You have never had a problem with your insurance company before. You have found them to be fair with your premiums, and they even gave you more than you expected that time you damaged your car in a minor accident. However, if you were involved in a serious crash with an uninsured motorist, then you face a different situation.
Your Insurance Company May Now Be the Adverse Party in Your Accident Case
If the other driver doesn’t have insurance and you carry uninsured motorist coverage, then it may be your own insurance company that is responsible for paying your accident claim. Virginia law allows your insurance company to step into the other driver’s shoes and act as the defendant against your claim. In other words, you may be at odds with the very company that holds your policy and to which you have reliably paid your premiums.
You Can No Longer Assume the Insurance Company Is on Your Side—But You Can Contact a Charlottesville Uninsured Motorist Attorney Who Will Be on Your Side
While you can’t trust the insurance company to provide you with a fair and equitable settlement for your serious accident injuries, you can trust an experienced Charlottesville uninsured motorist lawyer to fight hard for your fair and just recovery—even when that means fighting against your own insurance company.
You have paid for uninsured motorist coverage, and you deserve the benefits of that insurance coverage. For more information about how to get a fair recovery, please call a Charlottesville accident attorney today at 434-985-6000 for a free consultation.