You see and hear the commercials all the time—insurance companies making statements that they will be there for us when an accident happens. So, you believe that if ever you were to find yourself injured because of someone’s negligence, you wouldn’t have to worry. After all, the insurance company will take care of all of your damages, right? The sad truth is that insurance companies can be just plain difficult.
Will the insurance company pay?
When an accident happens, it doesn’t take long for your costs to add up. You might be getting medical treatment and losing out on income from your job. While you may be able to recover compensation for such things as medical bills, lost income and pain and suffering, the insurance company will more than likely put up a fight. The insurer does not have a legal obligation to help with your case. Instead, the insurance company might delay or even outright deny your claim.
What should you do if you have been hurt?
Dealing with the insurance company after a serious accident is no easy task. When you’re hurt, the last thing you want is to have to work with a difficult insurance adjuster. That is where a knowledgeable Warrenton car accident lawyer can help you. An attorney can step in and negotiate with the insurance company on your behalf. Not only will a lawyer be able to help you successfully resolve your case, he or she will also be able to give you peace of mind.
For a free case evaluation, contact the law firm of Dulaney, Lauer and Thomas at one of our many convenient locations:
- Warrenton 540-341-0007
- Culpeper 540-825-6046
- Front Royal 540-636-7100
- Charlottesville 434-985-6000
- Fredericksburg 540-371-8808