After you have been injured in an accident in Front Royal and received medical attention, there are many ways you can help your Virginia personal injury case. Start first by hiring a Front Royal personal injury attorney. Think of yourself and your attorney as a team working together to ensure that your personal injury case is successful. 

To be a good team player in a personal injury lawsuit, exercise the 3 Ds: 

  • Diligence;
  • Discretion; and
  • Determination.

Exercise Diligence in Preparing Your Case 

Some of the records your personal injury attorney will need are: 

  • copies of police reports;
  • insurance adjusters’ correspondence;
  • medical records;
  • employment records; and
  • contact information of those involved in the accident and potential witnesses. 

Exercise Discretion 

Be careful when discussing your case. This includes sharing your story on social media websites such as Facebook and Twitter and talking with your friends about your Virginia personal injury case. 

Hold on to Your Determination

Personal injury cases can take weeks, months and even years to be resolved. Your determination to see the case through is important to the outcome. Listening to the advice and direction of your personal injury attorney can help you determine if a settlement is in your best interests. 

If you feel your determination slipping away, it may be time to contact your attorney for an update and reassurance. 

Working with a Front Royal Personal Injury Lawyer

Managing your personal injury claim can be difficult, especially if you are not familiar with the process. At Dulaney, Lauer & Thomas LLP, our personal injury team is ready to partner with you to manage your personal injury case from start to satisfactory completion. For a free case analysis, please call our law office at 1-540-636-7100 or 1-888-534-5346 or complete our online contact form today.

Richard A. Dulaney
Connect with me
Richard has over 30 years of experience in personal injury law.

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