car in near darkness with left turn signal onIf the car in front of you is signalling to turn but does not make the turn and you rear-end them, who is at fault? Generally speaking, the driver in the rear is at fault in a rear-end collision, but in this case, the driver in front has broken a traffic law, so they could be found at least partially responsible. If you are in this situation, you might need a Northern Virginia car accident lawyer to help you sort it out.

The Law Is on Your Side

The Traffic Code of Virginia states that once a driver has given a hand or light signal, they must continue the course they indicated until they change the signal. Therefore, if a driver indicates that they will be turning or changing lanes in a particular direction, they must follow through with that action or change their signal with sufficient warning. According to this mandate, if a driver turns on their right turn signal but then turns left, they could:

  • Be fined anywhere from $30 to $100
  • Cause a pedestrian or vehicle accident
  • Put your family at risk for injury as a result of an accident
  • Be considered at fault or accused of contributory negligence

Who’s at fault for a car accident can change depending on circumstances, including the right of way, speed, and whether a driver was distracted or drunk. Therefore, an experienced car accident lawyer could argue that by disobeying the code, the driver who was hit in a rear-end collision could be at least partially at fault for the accident. Because Virginia is a strict contributory negligence state, neither driver would be able to recover damages if both drivers contributed to the crash.

If You Did Not Contribute to the Crash, You Should Not Have to Pay

If you or a loved one has recently been in an accident as a result of another driver improperly or carelessly using a turn signal, don’t take the risk of not being fully compensated for your injuries. A car accident lawyer may be able to argue that the other driver's misuse of their turn signal makes them 100 percent at fault.

Contact us today for a free consultation and review of your Virginia auto and home insurance policy to make sure you get a justified settlement.

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