It's easy to panic after a traffic accident in Virginia. It can be a hectic scene, especially if you have sustained an injury. If you were involved in an accident Virginia injury lawyers recommend doing certain things right after the crash. 

  • Stay calm and breathe deeply;
  • Even if you do not appear to be injured, seek medical attention;
  • If possible, move your vehicle to a safe spot out of traffic;
  • Call the police and have them file an accident report;
  • Notify your insurance company of your traffic accident;
  • Do not sign any documents without first consulting with a lawyer;
  • If you can, collect evidence such as contact info for witnesses and photos;
  • Keep you conversations short and limited to the police, medical personnel and insurance company; 
  • If possible, do not leave the scene of the accident before the police and other drivers. 

These are valuable first steps that can make a difference in your accident case.  

Carl N. Lauer
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Representing injured persons in Virginia. Workers' Compensation Claims.

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