motorcycle rider with helmet on Virginia roadWe have been representing motorcycle riders injured in crashes for over three decades. We understand better than anyone the dangers riders face on Virginia roads. Sometimes, riders make mistakes or take risks that lead to devastating accidents, but other times, it is the negligence of other drivers that leads to a biker being seriously injured or killed in a crash. We take a look at some of the statistics released by the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles about motorcycle crashes in 2021 to help you understand the risks of riding. We want you to be able to protect yourself and your claim for compensation if you are injured or a loved one is killed in a crash. 

The Stats Don't Lie: Biking Is Risky

Motorcycle accidents are a serious issue in Virginia. For each vehicle mile traveled, motorcycle riders are 16 times more likely than passenger vehicle occupants to die in a traffic crash and four times as likely to be injured. Motorcycle riders certainly suffer more in serious crashes. While 20 percent of car crashes result in injury or death, 80 percent of motorcycle crashes will end in injury or death. While riders themselves are responsible for about 70 percent of all motorcycle-related accidents, other road users cause their fair share of accidents as well. If your crash was caused by the actions of a negligent motorist, you can hold them liable for your medical bills, lost wages, and more.

In 2021, 2,048 crashes involving motorcycles were reported to the police. That accounted for only 1.7% of all traffic crashes that year, but 11% of all traffic fatalities and 10% of all crash-related serious injuries. Here are some additional statistics.

Virginia Motorcycle Accident Injury Statistics

  • In 2021, 1,682 people were injured in motorcycle crashes in Virginia, up from 1,506 in 2020.
  • The age range with the greatest number of injuries from motorcycle crashes in Virginia is ages 21 to 35 (678 injuries).
  • The age range with the next highest number of injuries is ages 36 to 50 (427 injuries) and ages 51 to 65 is the third-highest (383 injuries).
  • Seven hundred riders and 37 passengers were seriously injured.

Virginia Motorcycle Fatality Statistics

  • In 2021, 102 people were killed in motorcycle accidents.
  • There were 18% more motorcycle fatalities in 2021 than in 2020.
  • Motorcycle fatalities in Virginia have increased 42% over the last five years.
  • The major contributing factors in fatal motorcycle accidents are speed, following too close, and avoiding another vehicle.
  • In 36% of motorcycle crashes in 2021, the motorcycle rider did nothing wrong. 
  • Fifty-nine percent of fatalities involved another vehicle.
  • Nearly 90% of fatal motorcycle crashes happened on non-interstate roads.

Contact Our Motorcycle Accident Lawyers If You've Been Injured

These statistics are frightening, especially if you pride yourself on being a safe and responsible rider. If you or a loved one becomes one of these statistics, we can help. If you need help after a serious motorcycle accident, please contact the attorneys at the Northern Virginia law firm Dulaney, Lauer & Thomas to discuss your case for no cost or obligation. We will hold the the liable party responsible for compensating you for your losses to help you get back   

1All data is from the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles website Motorcycle Crash Data page

Richard A. Dulaney
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Richard has over 30 years of experience in personal injury law.

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