If you're looking for help after a serious accident in Virginia, you have come to the right place. Our skilled Virginia injury attorneys have dedicated their careers to defending men, women and children involved in accidents that were not their fault. We ONLY practice injury law - and never represent insurance companies or those who fight against the rights of accident victims.
Please browse our library of FREE informative articles to learn more about your situation, then contact us when you are ready to talk for no cost or obligation about your case. We look forward to hearing from you.
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Virginia Drivers: Are You Ready for New Driving Laws?Virginia drivers, get ready – new Virginia driving laws take effect July 1, 2010. Here’s a summary of some of the new driving laws so you can be prepared and avoid a traffic ticket from our friendly Warrenton or Culpeper police officers.
Planning for the worst, hoping for the best: the importance of an ICE contact in Virginia car wrecksDon’t wait for a Virginia auto accident to threaten your life – put an “in case of emergency” or ICE contact into your cell phone right now. Having a designated emergency contact that first responders at an accident scene can use to reach your friends or family members who know your important medical history (allergies, medications, health conditions) could be a lifesaver.
FREE Resources for Virginia Car Accident VictimsHurt in a Virginia car or truck wreck? We can help. Check out this article for links to all the FREE information on our website. No matter how you were hurt or who hurt you, our skilled and determined Virginia auto accident attorneys are ready to fight for you.
Work Zone Crashes: What are Virginia Drivers Doing Wrong?Every year over a thousand Virginia motorists are injured in road work zones, which includes crashes in the Culpeper and Warrenton areas. If you’re one of them, you deserve fair compensation for your injuries and suffering. Another driver’s negligence may have contributed to the crash or the work zone itself may have been set up improperly or unsafely.
The Case Against Toyota: Why Auto Accident Victims SueWith over eight million vehicles recalled worldwide for serious issues like floor mat accelerator pedal entrapment and sticky throttles, it is no wonder that Toyota is likely to face a flood of lawsuits. Why are Virginia auto accident victims and other Toyota owners across the country choosing to sue Toyota now?
What to look for in a GREAT Virginia auto accident attorneyAfter a serious motor vehicle crash, you may decide that you need the help of an experienced auto accident attorney. How on earth do you find one?
Drowsy Driving: a major contributor to serious auto accidents?Driver fatigue may be a contributing factor in tens of thousands of auto accident injuries and perhaps thousands of deaths every year across the U.S., yet it is an issue that receives little attention from lawmakers and the public. A recent fatal car crash in Culpeper may have been due to driver fatigue, which begs the questions: how big is the problem of drowsy driving, and why is it so difficult to come up with accurate statistics? If the real number of accidents that can be attributed to driver fatigue could be determined, the issue might get the attention it deserves.
How Negligent Drivers Contribute to Serious Winter Car AccidentsHave you or someone you love been injured in a serious Virginia auto accident this winter? Do you suspect that the other driver was at fault? There are a number of ways that the behavior of negligent drivers can contribute to car crashes. This article describes several of them.
Four vehicle maintenance issues that can lead to serious auto accidentsCould your attempts to save money lead to a serious auto accident? If you are struggling to make ends meet in these difficult economic times, make sure that you don’t skimp on important vehicle maintenance. This article lists four important maintenance issues that should never be put off, because they could cause a serious traffic crash if ignored.
Will Emergency Responders Be Able to Find You After a Crash?For many Virginians, a cell phone is more than just a convenience: it is a necessity, so integral a part of their lives that many people no longer have land-lines. Unfortunately, when incapacitated in an injury, some accident victims may find emergency help delayed or unable to find them because of problems tracking their emergency cell phone signal. Car crash victims are especially vulnerable, since accidents can leave people unable to accurately describe the location of the crash, hampering rescue efforts.
Can smart cars prevent crashes caused by medical emergency?The stuff of science fiction and engineering daydreams is becoming a reality for some car manufacturers. Cars designed to protect occupants when the driver experiences a serious medical event are being developed and tested in Germany. While ‘vigilant vehicles’ are a long way from hitting Virginia roads, designers hope that the technology embedded in these vehicles can prevent serious car crashes or at least reduce their severity.
Spinal Cord Injury and Motor Vehicle AccidentsA spinal cord injury can be devastating for the victim of a car or truck accident. Depending on the severity of the damage, injury to the spinal cord can result in partial or complete paralysis, breathing difficulty, loss of sensation, and more. If you’ve been injured in a serious motor vehicle accident and suspect that you have sustained damage to your spinal cord, contact the Northern Virginia attorneys at Dulaney, Lauer, and Thomas.
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- Working with Andrew and his team has been--without exception--one of the most pleasant, productive, and professional experiences of my adult life. I was seriously injured in an accident in July 2018 in Virginia. If you are looking for professionalism, knowledge, dedication, answerability, responsiveness, integrity, and human-level communication from a personal injury attorney--look no further. You have found him. Thank you, Andrew and Misty. Gary Daley
- Earnest is the best word to describe Andrew Thomas and his staff. Kim McKenna
- I'm grateful for all your work . . . Roger V. (Remington, VA)
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